Bratton Youth Club Trip - Thursday 16th October 2008

Arc Theatre Drama – ‘Black Man Don’t Float?’ (In celebration of Black History Month and recommended for schools)


In addition to providing engaging activities, the trip aims to inspire and nurture the creative potential of our youth. If you're in search of capstone project ideas or looking to explore a comprehensive and impactful project, this trip can serve as a valuable source of inspiration and firsthand experiences.

Throughout the day, participants will have the opportunity to engage in team-building exercises, outdoor challenges, and interactive workshops. These activities are designed to foster leadership skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities—essential components for successful capstone projects.

Arc Theatre commentary:


‘In the ocean off Africa, a white yachtsman collides with an economic migrant who is trying to reach the Canaries in a rickety homemade vessel. They have to co-operate to survive, but their differences appear overwhelming. The sea they see is not the same sea. They are confined in a small space under a vast sky, but are they in the same boat?’


Tickets for the trip are £6.If you would like to go, please ask your parent/guardian to sign the travel consent form below and return it, along with your payment (cheques payable to Bratton Youth Club), to Fern at The Old Police House, Westbury Road, Bratton. Spaces are limited so first to return the forms will get the tickets.


The performance begins at 7.30pm so we will meet in the Jubilee Hall car park at 6.40pm promptly. Return time will be approximately 9.30pm.







I give permission for ……………………………………………………………… to take part in the ARC THEATRE TRIP being arranged by Bratton Youth Club and to travel with youth leaders and helpers in cars/minibus; seatbelts must be worn.

In an emergency and/or if I am not contactable, I am willing for my child to receive necessary hospital or dental treatment including anaesthetic.

(Please tick)    Yes                     No


Signature……………………………….        Date…………………………….


Name………………………………………..(Parent or adult with parental responsibility)


Telephone no………………………………….


Please give details of contact in case of emergency if different from above and state relationship e.g. aunt, grandparent, friend etc


Name…………………………………… Telephone no………………………………….


I enclose payment of £6